Some of the most abused drugs in America are prescribed by a doctor. While there are strict regulations that govern the distribution and use of prescription drugs, they do not handle all of the issues surrounding addiction or dependency. As a result, some of the most abused prescription drugs are the ones that go unnoticed or ignored by the industry.
While it is true that drugs are useful for providing physical or psychological relief, they also contain substances that are highly addictive on several levels. This is why a drug addiction treatment center in Bend, OR exists. Treatment centers offer a way out of prescription drug addiction. Below are some of the most abused drugs in the U.S.
If you are currently addicted to these drugs, then get help now.
Barbiturates help you sleep better. If you have anxiety problems or suffer from seizures, barbiturates can relieve your anxiety symptoms and help you get a good night’s rest. However, it is easy to overdose on barbiturates. It is also easy to stay on them for several years and form a dependency.
High doses of barbiturates can lead to trouble breathing, drowsiness, or disorientation. Even worse, you get to a point where you may not be able to get through the day or night without them.
Opioids like fentanyl and heroin eliminate pain and discomfort but they prevent people from living happy, productive lives. These drugs cause people to “nod out” and experience painful, personality-altering withdrawal symptoms.
Benzodiazepines, more commonly known as “benzos,” are similar to barbiturates in that they contain a sedative. Two well-known examples are Xanax and Valium. When you take them, they have a calming effect, which is why they are among the most abused prescription drugs. They help you sleep, overcome your anxiety, or prevent a panic attack.
However, they can also lead to long-term addiction. Some people use Xanax every day for years. When they try to get off of them, they experience a wide range of withdrawal symptoms. Overdose can lead to stomach problems, heart problems, disorientation, worse anxiety, or neurological disorders, which is why it is important that you seek help at a benzo addiction treatment center in Bend, OR.
Codeine and Morphine
Codeine and morphine consist of a synthetic opioid that helps block pain signals to the brain. Thus, they dull the pain so that you do not feel it. However, they also create a euphoric high that gives you a pleasurable feeling.
Both the reduction of pain and the euphoric feeling can be something you want to experience time and again. Once these drugs hook you, you experience great difficulty getting off them.
Unlike barbiturates or benzos, amphetamines are a stimulant that boosts your neurological system and puts your brain into overdrive. While methamphetamine addiction is often thought of as a worst-case scenario, prescription amphetamines can also create serious health problems due to their addictive elements.
People take amphetamines to get a boost in brainpower or energy. You may feel alert when you take the drug. However, if you take too much, you could have an irregular rise in body temperature, irregular heartbeat, or heart failure.
Are You Addicted to the Most Abused Prescription Drugs?
At Sunstone Recovery, we are committed to helping you get off some of the most abused prescription drugs out there. We offer many treatments to help rid yourself of any addiction. Here are a few:
- Family therapy program
- Individual therapy program
- Dual diagnosis treatment center
- Psychotherapy program for addiction
To find out more about the most abused prescription drugs and our services, call us today at 855.833.9199, or contact us online.
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